Employment & Training

    Results: 6

  • Employment (1)



    Programs that provide employment opportunities for people who are searching for jobs; assist people who are able and willing to work by helping them prepare for, find, secure and retain suitable employment; provide work site evaluation and/or modification support; and/or seek to develop employment opportunities in various fields for people who need a position.
  • Employment Counselors (1)

    Employment Counselors


    Individuals who help people of all ages make career decisions and obtain employment. They explore and evaluate the client's education, training, work history, interests, skills and personal traits; and arrange for aptitude and achievement tests. They also help job seekers develop job search skills; assist them in locating and applying for jobs; and provide support for persons experiencing job loss, job stress or other career transition issues.
  • Job Development (1)

    Job Development


    Programs that seek out and create employment opportunities in various fields for people who need work. Activities may include collecting and distributing information about job opportunities and/or prospective changes in the demand for specific occupations, encouraging potential employers to create jobs, informing employers of available personnel and other comprehensive or targeted efforts to generate new job prospects.
  • Job Finding Assistance (3)

    Job Finding Assistance


    Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.
  • Organizational Training Services (1)

    Organizational Training Services


    Programs that offer training materials, packages or programs that are designed to increase the knowledge and skills of users or participants regarding particular management techniques or strategies or in a targeted programmatic or service delivery area. Included are programs that design customized training to meet the special needs of individual organizations as well as those that identify and address competencies or problems that are generally associated with the management of nonprofit organizations, the administration or delivery of human services or the operation of small businesses. Training may target prospective board members, current board members, chief executive officers, staff, corporations with nonprofit board service programs, funding organizations, management service organizations, training personnel or consultants working in the nonprofit sector.
  • Training and Employment Programs (1)

    Training and Employment Programs


    Programs that provide job development, job training, job search, job placement, specialized job situations and other supportive services for individuals and groups who are having difficulty finding paid employment. These programs especially target people who have minimal job skills, veterans, older workers, youth, ex-offenders, public assistance recipients, refugees/immigrants, members of minority groups and others who are vocationally disadvantaged. Included are government-subsidized programs and those offered through the private sector.