Trilogy Integrated Resources

Trilogy Integrated Resources, Inc. is a company dedicated to improving information and communication in the health and social service fields at the community level. Trilogy works primarily with state and county governments and other local human service entities to establish one-stop information places, centered on highly interactive, community-based Web sites. Trilogy's efforts in creating these "virtual communities" ultimately focus on two things:

    1) Arming consumers and their families with access to comprehensive information, advocacy and other resources to empower them to make the best, most informed decisions possible regarding needed care in their lives.

    2) Enabling the service delivery community - public and private - to better deal with the problems of fragmentation through the use of extremely effective tools. These tools better coordinate their efforts to get the right service to the right person at the right time.

This creative combination of public policy needs, personal human service, and the tools of high technology is reflected in the backgrounds of Trilogy's founders, Bruce Bronzan and Afshin Khosravi.

Bruce Bronzan has a long and exceptional career in the health and social service arena. He founded and directed a substance abuse treatment program and served as a county supervisor for eight years. He was a member of the California State Legislature, and chairman of the Health Committee, for 10 years. Mr. Bronzan served as associate dean of the Medical School at the University of California San Francisco and was a senior vice president of the Birch and Davis Health Management Corp. He then became founder and president of Trilogy.

Afshin Khosravi, Founder and chief executive officer for Trilogy, had a distinguished career in international business, focusing on high technology, computer and Internet technologies, and information system integration, before he founded his own company, Local Communities Network. At Local Communities, he specialized in the development of highly innovative and interactive Web sites and virtual online communities for business as well as community-based organizations serving the poor and disadvantaged. This included the donation of hundreds of Web sites to nonprofit organizations.